Sri Lanka's first ever
AI Powered
Law Research Companion

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Cut down your legal research time by 70% with the power of an Advanced AI companion.

Leverage your time on more important tasks beyond legal research.

Perform in-depth, comprehensive research across all documented authorities with precision.

Gain a competitive advantage over your learned friends through better legal research.

Comprehensive Legal Database
Access a vast collection of consolidated legislative enactments, reported judgments (including New Law Reports and Sri Lanka Law Reports), and unreported judgments (Supreme Court Judgments from 2009 onwards and Court of Appeal Judgments from 2011 onwards) effortlessly. Your gateway to the most authoritative legal resources
Intuitive AI Assistance
Pose your legal questions just as you would to a colleague. Our AI, fluent in legal terminology and natural language, interprets your query and delivers precise answers, streamlining your research process for maximum efficiency.
In-depth Legal Insights
Receive comprehensive, up-to-date responses to your legal queries, encompassing the latest, relevant authorities, development of the law, and counter-arguments. Empower your decision-making with confidence, supported by cutting-edge legal insights

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